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Sunday, April 22, 2007

O'Reilly wrong (again)

In his latest Talking Points on the Fox News website, Bill O'Reilly in his "Most Ridiculous Item," says,

Senator John McCain was in South Carolina campaigning when he broke into song after a question about how to deal with Iran.

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R-AZ), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: That old — that old Beach Boys song, "Bomb Iran".

(singing) Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb...

(speaking) But anyway...

All right. The song was "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys, but the senator changed the lyrics to "Bomb Iran".

That parody originated with Rush Limbaugh, we believe.

Well, two things. First, is there any doubt McCain doesn't belong in the White House? Oh and, uh, Bill. You're wrong again. That wasn't composed by Rush Limbaugh. A little Internet research shows Vince Vance and the Valiants were responsible.

But that's our Bill O'Wrongly.

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