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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Obsessed, they are!

So I'm sure everyone knows about Conservapedia, the right-wing's answer to Wikipedia. The site is an encyclopedia filled with right-wing skew, supposedly negating the imaginary left-wing bias of Wikipedia.
Well, here's something very interesting. What are the most viewed pages on Conservapedia? Information on President Bush? BUZZ! Dick Cheney? BUZZ! Nancy Pelosi? BUZZ! Bill Clinton? BUZZ! Hillary Clinton? BUZZ!
Well, look at the statistics. The top 10:

1. Main Page‎ [1,902,789]
2. Homosexuality‎ [1,542,606]
3. Homosexuality and Hepatitis‎ [516,739]
4. Homosexuality and Promiscuity‎ [420,162]
5. Homosexuality and Parasites‎ [387,874]
6. Homosexuality and Domestic Violence‎ [351,403]
7. Gay Bowel Syndrome‎ [343,110]
8. Homosexuality and Gonorrhea‎ [331,085]
9. Homosexuality and Mental Health‎ [276,967]
10. Homosexuality and Syphilis‎ [265,037]

Fixated, you say?


Tim said...

no surprise at all. though I've occasionally read their 'gay' articles for kicks.

BlueEgyptian said...

IN-credible. I decided to do a little research. After all, they are a conservative site, right? How else do priorities fall? They had NO entry at all for something as Christian and conservative as "peace corps". NONE. They had 4 entries for Christmas, and 1 for Satan. Jesus and Reagan had 7 and 10 entries respectively...compared to the 35 entries and 28 sub-entries for homosexuality. Even evolution and Intelligent Design fall way behind at 20 and 8 entries. Why are these people SO fascinated with the same sex thing? Oh no...there is NO agenda here!

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