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Saturday, January 5, 2008

On to New Hampshire

Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee are big fans of Iowa after this week's caucuses.
But neither of them should get comfortable. There's still a long road ahead.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton may have finished a surprising third, but she'll surely bounce back. With Bill Clinton's help, if need be.
As for the Republicans, the evangelical support Huckabee received in Iowa won't be there as strongly in New Hampshire. John McCain should do better. He has to. So should Rudy Giuliani.
It's still a long way to November. Both sides have a lot of work to do. It's only just begun.

  • CNN resorts to Fox News tactics: CNN's highly speculative story, "If Clinton wins, would Justice Clinton be far behind?," is unusual for CNN. It's the type of story you'd see on the Fox News Channel or their gossip-laden Fox News Channel website.
    But then, CNN has been trying to get back to ratings supremacy over Fox News since the Rupert Murdoch monster took CNN's once top spot.
    Highly speculative stories shouldn't be the realm of CNN. Let Fox News have the gossip channel.
    Stick with the news, CNN.

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