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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Rush the most unfavorable conservative "journalist"?

A poll reported by Rasmussen Reports shows Katie Couric the most respected journalist in the country with 48% favorable/42% unfavorable. Bill O'Reilly follows with 44/41, with Tim Russert, Brian Williams and Paula Zahn next in line. Noticeable fourth from the bottom -- the lowest rating for a conservative -- is Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh rates 33% favorable/62% unfavorable? (For the record, Chris Matthew, Maureen Dowd and Alan Colmes scored less favorably than Rush.)
Still, for Mr. Excellence in Broadcasting , this has to be a shock.
Is Limbaugh a journalist? Hardly. But after his pill/drug headlines, maybe that's why he's not doing so well.

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