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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Stop it, Fox News

In the first few hours after the Scooter Libby verdict was announced, Fox News did backflips to avoid the heart of the matter -- that Libby was convicted on four of five counts.
In a clip on the Fox website, Sean Hannity no sooner mouthed words of the verdict then he started questioning the trial through jurors' comments, Democrats pouncing (to use his term) to inform President Bush that Libby that shouldn't be pardoned and whether "any of this" was necessary. Hannity began his questioning a mostly conservative panel by saying "none of this was necessary."
News analysis is one thing, bending the news to fit your agenda is another. This is renewed evidence that Fox News is playing apologist for the White House.
Anyone who defends Fox News as an impartial news source is delusionally stupid. It's not impartial at all. The bias is clear. You can't trust Fox News. Period.

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