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Monday, January 14, 2008

Brit happens ... and happens .. and happens

It's gotten to the point where we really don't care if we ever see Britney Spears in the news again.
Why are people so obsessed that they have to follow this woman's every movement? As pathetic as she is, there's a point where enough is enough. And we passed that point with Spears long ago.
Today, for example, on, that website has a live cam set up in front of the courthouse where she's rumored to make an appearance.
It's clear that she's a troubled person. Her situation parallels Elvis Presley in his last years with one major difference. Elvis was older and maybe a little more emotionally able to handle what was happening to him. Spears isn't.
Like Presley, Spears is a prisoner of her fame. And we believe Presley basically did everything he could to hasten his death in his final years through his use of drugs and his horrendous eating habits.
Spears appears to be headed that way, too. And it appears as though some people are only too happy to photograph her on that path because it fattens their wallets.
But enough is enough. We don't need to see her die on camera.
Unfortunately, that sad Hollywood ending is probably where this is heading.

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